A list of likely FAQs —
Q: So what exactly do I get for my money?
A: The first thing you get is a ton of knowledge. The second thing you get is recognition for being among those who have successfully completed the only course if its kind in the world. Your name, as a graduate, will be posted on this site in the GRADUATES section. The third thing you get is a lot of complimentary material that will correspond with specific modules. Some of this material can be found NOWHERE ELSE! And you will also receive an awesome Certificate of Completion once you graduate!
Q: Are the exams difficult?
A: Not if you read the material in the modules (and the licensed companion DVDs for specific sections). The answers to ALL questions can be found in the module material and the DVDs.
Q: Why are you limiting the number of students to 200?
That isn’t very many, considering how many loyal Floyd Fans there are out there.
A: The reason I placed this limit on the number of students is because I do not want to create a workload that is more than what I can handle. I am doing this by myself with no employees, no staff, and no help. The number of students I accept in the class in the future may even decrease from that number. Time will tell.
Q: How are the exams structured?
A: They are either “fill in the blank”, “multiple choice”, or “true/false”.
Q: Can I see a list of the specific modules?
A: That is information that only registered students receive as it unfolds step by step, but even they do not get a list. That is one of the surprises in the course. Sometimes a student will be given a heads-up on what is coming next, and other times they won’t have a clue.
Q: What does your section on CONSULTANTS & RESOURCES mean?
A: There are many people who have contributed — and are still contributing — to this course in one form or another. I want to acknowledge those people, and this is my way of doing it.
Q: If I am interesting in enrolling, it is possible you can first put me in contact with one of your students who is currently enrolled in the course — just so I can see what they personally feel about the course?
A: I will be glad to do that. Several of the students have offered to do so, so if you would like to contact one of them, please let me know and I will furnish you with this information.